Facts NEM Demand for health We demand… N A world in which you can decide how to feed yourself. N A world in which one may inform oneself about scientific findings. N A world that does not prohibit agriculture, which was common for millennia. N A world that does not pursue citizens who sell seeds and vegetables that have made up the diversity of our diet for millennia and more. N clear qualified technical and legal knowledge of the authorities and uniform assessments and controls of the authorities in terms of equality. N a radical reduction of over-regulation. N Freedom to unrestricted knowledge transfer in the health sector N Abolition of the Novel Food Regulation, which prohibits us from eating what we want N Abolition of Abmahnvereinen. Consumer protection should be in the hands of an institute staffed on equal terms by entrepreneurs, science and consumers Recommendations to a healthy diet + to NEM more information Use the NUMEROUS advantages of a membership in the NEM e.V. AdvantagesJoin now