NEM Association of medium-sized European manufacturers and distributors of
Nutritional supplements and health products e. V.
Cosmetica represent an important addition to the product range in the health sector.
The experience that the NEM Verband has gained with regard to legislative measures, restrictions and restrictions as well as official arbitrariness led to the idea to create a powerful counterpoint for the medium – sized cosmetics manufacturers as well.
We also want to effectively counteract the trend for cosmetic manufacturers to see that ever stricter, nonsensical regulations only leave room for the lobbying industry and make it easier for medium – sized businesses to breathe.

Our services
- the creation of legal certainty in the field of cosmetics law within the EU
- Conducting public relations by informing and educating consumers about Cosmetic
- Representing the interests of companies in all political and economic areas
- Assistance to members through technical and legal advice, in particular the representation of members to authorities and courts
NEM e.V. – we stand up for health
The board and advisory board of NEM e.V., which consists of entrepreneurs, lawyers, experts, some of whom have decades of practical experience, works closely with the members to ensure effective and efficient advocacy in all areas of society.
Learn more about us on the following pages!
NEM e. V.

Accompany the NEM e.V. Objective
The ignorance of the whole area of the nutritional supplement industry, which has to be noted in parts of the public and the administration, needs an urgent correction and we cordially invite you to join us actively in this goal!
On the following pages you will learn more about us!
In this sense, we remain true to our motto “freedom for healthy food”.
Your NEM e. V.